I was recently informed that it is Leap Year this year. (I know, I'm really out of the loop...) This kind of freaked me out, because not only does it mean I have to pay rent sooner, but also that my eminent return home is coming 2 days sooner. I know it seems silly, but lately I have really been struggling with the fact that in just 3 months I'm coming home. Half of me is super excited about this, but the other half is having a mini panic attack every time I think about it. After 6 months of living in a foreign country, I've had plenty of challenges that sometimes make me want to hop on the next flight back to California. However, those obstacles have made me learn more than I ever have in my whole life. And right now, I finally feel like I understand this culture, its people, its habits, its facon de vivre. I can speak the language, I know my way around. I have friends! French friends!!!!!! And so just as I start to feel comfortable, BAM- in 3 months I have to leave! And re-immerse myself in American culture! Alright alright, I'm just going to stop myself here because you are all probably thinking, this girl is crazy and needs to ferme sa bouche. I just have a lot of emotions running around my head and it helps to write (type?) them out. Moving on....
This week I'm on February vacances. Most of my friends are off gallivanting around Europe, but yours truly is here in Bordeaux writing blogs and French papers. Mostly blogs, though. It is kind of nice to have a week off and just have the freedom to do nothing. Plus the weather has been getting nicer (finally!!! I don't have to waddle around in 15 layers of clothes!!!) so I'm soaking up the sunshine for the first time in it feels like forever. Today mon ami Max et moi enjoyed the sunny day by walking around the jardin and the city, and watched the sun go down on the quai (the river). Beer may or may not have accompanied these events. I'm planning on continuing days like this during the week.
I guess I should mention school ... since I am here to study after all... Well to be honest, it's a subject I have the least to say about. This is a representation of my friends' and my general sentiments towards it.
It's kind of a joke. I go to class and come out feeling like I probably could have talked to a random French person for 2 hours and learned more from that conversation than from the time I spent in class. It's interesting to see how French people do college, but let's just say I really appreciate the American university system. (no offense to any frenchies who are reading this, but most agree with me anyway). I have to say that my psychology class is pretty interesting and challenging though! Regardless, I am profiting from the experience of living here alone, so it all works out in the end.
Lately, it has been many people's birthdays. This is obviously a cause for celebration, especially since several of my friends turned 21. And you know what that birthday means.... Well at least in America. The whole being-able-to-legally-drink thing doesn't really have any significance in Europe. But don't you worry, we carried on the tradition of drinking an inordinate amount and making questionable decisions, just as if we were at home. For my roomie Arielle's b-day, we climbed a fountain. Oh, we went to bars n stuff, but we climbed a fountain!!! Not just any fountain. The Quinconces fountain! Which is a humongous fountain/statue/landmark of bordeaux. Here is a picture of it normally (also by Alex's request) :
And here are pictures of us climbing it:
So yeah. Never a dull moment ;) Aside from those shenanigans, it was also my friend Marina's 21st. We had a delicious potluck dinner chez Sara, who made galettes (a savory fried pancake-type thing) for the main dish. And cake!!! It was so good. And it goes without saying that we followed that up with a little partying ;)
Some exciting news: People are coming to visit me!!!! First of all: my mom! yep, she is coming for a second time in April. And, she's coming with her hilarious friend. So needless to say it will be a crazy adventure. I think we're going to take a little trip to Nice too. It will be cool to show them France in the springtime, which I predict will be around 12492738942 times better than France in the cold winter. Secondly: My 2 besties Brian and Aidan will be coming! This is like the best news ever because they are basically the best guys ever and I have missed them an insane amount. I'm gonna finally be able to travel around with them- we're planning on Amsterdam, Spain, and who knows where else. I'm so sososososososo so excited!!!!!! The future is bright:)
Oh!!! Wanna see my new house??!! I finally took some pictures.
My crazy metal spiral staircase. |
Dining room |
Living room/kitchen |
My very messy room |
Bed! |
Bathroom! |
So to conclude this just-because blog, I'd like to say that even in times where nothing too exciting is happening, I enjoy every minute here in beautiful Bordeaux :) Every day is a new adventure, learning new words, meeting new people. It's kind of like being a child. But I get to do grown-up things. The hardships and homesickness pass, and as my friend told me today, I will look back and laugh at those frustrating times. And I'll remember my amazing experience :)
bisous à tous, je vous aime et vous me manquez!! xoxo